If you are looking for support, we are here for you.

Our team specializes in addressing problems that most commonly impact women’s mental wellness.

If you are experiencing any of the challenges below, Ella might be able to help:

  • Low mood and sadness

  • Feelings of stress and anxiety

  • Low self-worth or negative body image

  • Relationship issues with your partner, family or friends

  • Fertility and pregnancy difficulties

  • Motherhood & caregiving challenges

  • Trauma from domestic violence, sexual abuse, etc.

  • Sexual problems such as lack of desire or difficulty reaching orgasm

  • Challenges with hormone-related conditions including PMS, PMDD, PCOS and menopause

Unsure if Ella can help you? Get in touch with us. We will assess your needs and help you where we can. If we are not best placed to support you, we will point you in the right direction.